Which of the Core Realms is Yours?
Do you know your earth angel realm?
This month, we are exploring the connection between being a lightworker or healer and having an angel realm that was your spiritual family-of-origin when you were in spirit, before you came to earth for this lifetime. In her work on earth angel realms, Doreen Virtue identified 4 core realms and that's what we will take a look at in today's post.
Knowing your angel realm may help you feel more at home here because you’ll know that you weren’t just dropped off randomly, but are here for a specific purpose, and that you are backed up by support from your spiritual family-of-origin.
Intro to The Core Realms
You are likely to find "home" in one of the following core realms, or in a blend of two or more of them. There are four core realms: incarnated angel, wise one, elemental and starperson.
Incarnated Angel: If you are an incarnated angel, then you have had at least one lifetime as an angel ~possibly your most recent one~ and have come back in human form to help us out.
Wise One: This realm is the one that is age-old in spirit. If you are a Wise One, then you have had lots of lifetimes here on Earth and Earth is likely to feel like home.
Elemental: This is the faerie realm and it includes faeries, elves, leprechauns, mermaids and more.
Starperson: This realm has always felt different, and sometimes been teased for it. This is the E.T. realm, and the need to "phone home" can be pretty intense, even when it's not fully conscious.
For the next couple of weeks, we will look at one of these realms each day and I'll tell you a little more about them. Stick with me, this month, and you may discover that one or more feels like a fit for you.
Are you a healer or lightworker longing to find home?
Find out more about your spiritual family-of-origin
and life purpose with an angel realm reading
Click here ~
Life Purpose Reading