What Will May Bring?
I heard a clear call to wind down and retreat for the month of May, and I have decided to heed that call. I always regret it when I don't! :)
Right now, I am planning to post three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but some posts will be brief (and some will be wordless). Here are the themes I have in mind, so far...
Moon Monday: I'll let you know which moon phases to prepare for each week.
Wishcasting Wednesday: Each week, we get to make a wish, along with
Faerie Fridays: I have found some really gorgeous music to share that is enchanting (and enchanted).
A New Name...
Have you ever had such a deep spiritual shift that afterward, you
felt like you weren't quite the same person? And yet you knew you had
connected with a part of yourself that was more true to who you
really are than the way you had known yourself before?
As both a pen name (for my writing) and a spiritual name, I have chosen
Anna Jane Moonstone to represent me on the web and to remind me of who I am becoming and who I have been.
not my birth name and in my private life, among family and friends, my
name will not change. So for those of you who already know me or who
have seen my other name online, I am sure it will take some getting used
to, which I completely understand.
And though I do
like the idea of creating some daylight between my life at home and my
work online, I am not trying to hide my other name. I just won't be
using it.
So I may begin to use
Anna instead as I sign my blog posts this month. Or I may wait, as I am still getting used to it, too. We'll see!
What have you got planned for May?
Have a great day!
that's perfect for you because it's based on
who you are at the core?
who has been waiting to be found.
Come and play as the wild fairies play
In a magical circle, a fairy ring
You won't want to leave and forever you'll stay
Where the vision is bright as spring
Come and dance the wild fairy dance
Spin in a circle as fast as light
Once you begin you are caught in a trance
And the world can grow old in a single night
~~Gary Stadler, Wendy Rule