Thursday, October 31, 2013

Saying Goodbye to the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Once again, the time has come to say goodbye to another great Ultimate Blog Challenge. The month always seems to go by so fast, doesn't it?

I had a great time!! My goal is always to increase my pageviews and I really did this month (over 1500 new pageviews), so I heartily recommend this challenge to other bloggers who haven't tried it yet.

As always. the best part is meeting so many wonderful new people.

I hope for all of us who participated this time around that the benefits we received from this challenge will be evergreen. More traffic, more comments, great connections with other bloggers, and the fun of writing when you know someone will read what you've written.

By the way, if you missed any of the posts and would like to see them all in one place, click here.

See you guys next time!

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Identify Your Theology: Passing on the Faith

Passing on the Faith


How will you pass on your faith? And how do you feel about the possibility that your children will choose a faith or a belief system that is different than yours?

"Most of us Pagans have already rejected the religion of our families. Unless we’re highly hypocritical, we can’t criticize our children for doing what we ourselves have done. Besides, if they reject our religion they affirm our identity as religious free-thinkers."~~John Beckett

I am pagan. And right now, my 12-year-old son seems drawn to patriarchal Christianity. I accept some responsibility for that because that was my religion for more than half of the time he's been alive.

But I also feel concerned about his learning things like patriarchal approaches to understanding the Bible, guilt and fear and moralistic judgments, a sort of "us vs. them" mentality and a sense of never quite measuring up. I also don't want him to miss out on the wonder of nature, the possibility of magic, the comfort of connecting to the goddess, etc.

I can only hope that my example will eventually have impact because he is at the age where he is less than impressed by anything I say.

What about you? How do you or how will you share your beliefs & your spirituality with your family?

Has the exploration you've done this month stirred your thoughts about what & how you'll share?

Have a great day!

What would it be like to design a daily spiritual practice
that's perfect for you because it's based on
who you are at the core?
Take the Mystic Quiz and discover the mystic within
who has been waiting to be found.


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

(photo credit: Honey Bear Beads)

And for those who celebrate Samhain, have a wonderful holiday!

"Samhain (/ˈsɑːwɪn/, /ˈs.ɪn/, or /ˈsn/) is a Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. It is celebrated from sunset October 31st - sunset November 1st. Many important events in Irish mythology happen or begin on Samhain. It was the time when cattle were brought back down from the summer pastures and when livestock were slaughtered for the winter. In much of the Gaelic world, bonfires were lit and there were rituals involving them, as at Beltane. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames. Samhain (like Beltane) was seen as a time when the "door" to the Otherworld opened enough for the souls of the dead, and other beings, to come into our world. Feasts were had, at which the souls of dead kin were beckoned to attend and a place set at the table for them."~~ Wikipedia

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Heart Wish Wednesday

Goddess Heart Wish Bottle

Welcome. Step into the circle of healing, where wishes come true. From my heart to yours, each Wish Wednesday, I offer you goddess blessings.

Just mentally add your wish here in the comments, and I will add it to my Heart Wish Bottle by blessing it myself, asking for a goddess blessing, and seeing it come true for you in my head and in my heart.

My wish this week is for the success of The Ultimate Blog Challenge. May it bring thousands of pageviews and new friends for each of us who is participating.

What is your wish this week?

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Identify Your Theology: Where are You Now?

Identify Your Theology:
Number Twenty

Yesterday's post was all about growth and healing. And in a sense, that's what I want to ask you today, as well.

But before we turn our attention to our last of the twenty questions, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or, listen and relax right here...

Today’s Question

What’s shifted or expanded for you as you asked and answered these questions this month? 

And what has the process been like for you? Do you have more of a sense of what your spiritual philosophy is than you did when the month began?

"Are there any beliefs you hold now that you wish you could abandon or change? Which ones and why? If you could change them, what would you change them to?" ~Joyce & River Higginbotham, ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and hear the blessing I’ve recorded for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.   

(Tomorrow, come back for a bonus question)

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Identify Your Theology: How Do We Heal and Grow?

Identify Your Theology:
Nineteenth Question

We've been talking about spirituality these past few days and yesterday, I asked what role your spirituality plays in your life, and whether or not it transforms you.

I have another question for today, but before we get to that, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or if you'd rather listen and relax right here, here's the recorded meditation...

Today’s Question

If you think of spirituality as transformative, then how do we heal, change or grow spiritually based on your faith or beliefs? What do you believe about how we become who we are meant to be?

"Spirituality has many facets, including awareness of the world that surrounds you; a sense of wonder, love, and gratitude; a practice of loving-kindness towards yourself and others; listening to your intuition and trusting your heart.  

Spiritual health is evidenced by people demonstrating the ability to be authentic, face their fears, let go of the past, and develop insight, forgiveness, peace, compassion, and love.

A sampling of what enhances spiritual health includes meditation, yoga, music and art therapy, breathwork, laughter, and martial arts. Regardless of your personal definition of spirituality, you can explore these and other options in a vast realm of modalities and processes that exist for the purpose of developing your spirituality and adapting it to your everyday life; and thus to having a healthy body, mind, and spirit."~Nikki Riddell Tiffany, Spirituality and Healing

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and hear the blessing I’ve recorded for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Eighteenth Question

Identify Your Theology:
Eighteenth Question

We're on the home stretch now and talking about spirituality. In Friday's post, I asked what the spiritual practices are that support your beliefs and your faith.

Today, we are turning our attention to our next question, today, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or listen and relax right here...

Today’s Question

What role does your spirituality play in your life? Does it comfort you? Transform you? What impact does it have?

"According to interfaith minister and author Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, when we immerse ourselves in creative acts, we can quiet the noises around us from our 'wild and wired world,' and truly calm ourselves. With these creative acts, we also can cultivate a spiritual practice.

In her book Crafting Calm: Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation, Oman Shannon quotes the 20th-century Catholic priest Henri Nouwen, who said, 'Through the spiritual life we gradually move from the house of fear to the house of love.' A portable shrine can serve as a comforting tool, which soothes your mind and heart, Oman Shannon writes. When creating your own portable shrine, Oman Shannon suggests considering what brings you the most comfort and what would symbolize that best." ~Margarita Tartakovsky,

What about you? Does your spirituality help you move from your own house of fear to an inner house filled with love?

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and the quote to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Identify Your Theology: What are Your Essential Spiritual Practices?

Identify Your Theology: 
Number Seventeen

Yesterday, I asked what aspects of your faith or spirituality are essential to you? What matters most?

We are turning our attention to our next question about your spirituality, today, but before we do, you can head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or listen to the brief meditation right here...

Today’s Question

Are there spiritual practices that, for you, are an important way for you to express or live out your beliefs, your faith or spirituality?

"A spiritual practice is the very simple act of getting in touch with your Self. Not with your mind, your feelings or your body, but with this sense of presence or being behind them. How to go about it is a matter of personal preference." ~Sophie Rose,

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you.

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

I'm taking the weekend off so I can have some family time, but will be back here on Monday. See you then!

Have a great weekend!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Identify Your Theology: What about Your Spirituality?

Identify Your Theology:
Sixteenth Question

Yesterday, I asked you what you believe about life after death. Today, we've got a brand new question.

But before we get to it, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress or tension. Or, you can listen and relax right here...

Today’s Question

How would you define your spirituality or faith? Are there beliefs that, for you, are essential?

"Given your spirituality as it exists right now, if you stripped all the mythology out of it, what would be left? When we use the word mythology, we are not meaning something derogatory. We mean those stories that inform your religious belief and practice. If there were no saints, no Bible, no shepherds, no guiding stars, no Moses with the stone tablets, no stories of heaven and hell, no disciples, no gods and goddesses, no Mount Olympus, no demons, no karma, or original sin, what would be left of your spirituality?" ~Joyce & River Higginbotham, ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.   

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heart Wish Wednesday

Goddess Heart Wish Bottle

Welcome. Step into the circle of healing, where wishes come true. From my heart to yours, each Wish Wednesday, I offer you goddess blessings.

Just mentally add your wish here in the comments, and I will add it to my Heart Wish Bottle by blessing it myself, asking for a goddess blessing, and seeing it come true for you in my head and in my heart.

My wish this week is for the success of The Ultimate Blog Challenge. May it bring thousands of pageviews and new friends for each of us who is participating.

What is your wish this week?

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Identify Your Theology: The Fifteenth Question

Identify Your Theology:
Fifteenth Question

In yesterday's post, I asked you what really matters about matter. :)

Today, let's look at our next question, today, but first, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress.

Or listen to the brief meditation right here...


Today’s Question

What do you believe will happen when you die? 

As humans, do we continue to exist in some other form? Do we come back or is that it?

"It’s a question that has dogged man from the beginning of time: Is there life after death? Now one scientist has a theory he says may prove that each person does have a soul that survives even after your heart stops beating. Dr. Stuart Hameroff, an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, shared his theory on a recent episode of the Science Channel series, Through The Wormhole, and has obtained a clip. Morgan Freeman, who played God in the movie Evan Almighty, narrates the show that explores the mysteries of our existence. He says Hameroff’s theory seems to provide a scientific link to the spiritual belief there is life after death." ~RadarOnline

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Does it Matter?

Identify Your Theology:
Fourteenth Question

In the past few days, starting last week, we've been talking about our physical world and how we experience and connect to it. In yesterday's post, I asked you what you believe about how the world was created.

Today, we are turning our attention to our fourteenth question, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or listen and relax right here...

Today’s Question


There was a scientist in the 1900s named Louis de Broglie whose work revealed that matter (all matter) has wave-like properties or characteristics. Wondering what that has to do with exploring spiritual beliefs? Read on...

"Every particle of matter has its own wave function, which can be visualized as a 'smear' or a representation of all the paths it may take. The scientist Richard Feynman theorized that the potential particle takes all possible paths as its wave moves from point A to point B, so that when the wave reaches point B, it contains information from every path it could have taken to get there. When the particle is observed, however, its wave function collapses and only one path becomes actualized." ~~Joyce & River Higginbotham

What do you believe about matter, and the universe and our relationship to it? Is it possible that this quote/paragraph above explains what we experience in our reality? 

Because we “observe,” by way of visualization, all day long. 

When we imagine (and thus, observe) the worst-case scenario our worried minds can create, are we then choosing it? And what might happen if we imagined the best-case scenario, instead?

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.   

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Question Number Thirteen

Identify Your Theology:
Thirteenth Question

Last week, I asked about tuning into the physical and natural world around us.

We are turning our attention to our next question, today, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress.

Or if you'd rather listen to the brief meditation here, here it is...


Today’s Question

How did we wind up here? :)

What do you believe about how the world was created? Was there a big bang, an intelligent design, 6 days of orderly planned development or some other method? Were we sung into existence?

"Indigenous peoples & religious traditions all over the world are oriented to a primal myth of creation, an original story that provides an understanding of origins. This story often provides an experience of spiritual container, an anchoring point of identity, and an explanation for the existence of life in the beauty if mythic terms." ~Frank MacEowen, The Mist-Filled Path

"The Celts of old believed that the world was upheld & sustained by a single all-embracing melody: Oran Mor, they called it, the Great Music, & all creation was part of it. Perhaps this is why Celtic music possesses the power to move us in unexpected ways ~ it touches that place deep in our hearts where legends still live, and we hear again the strains of the Ancient Song." ~Stephen Lawhead

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Twelfth Question

Identify Your Theology:
Number Twelve

In yesterday's post, I asked you if you are a mystic or have had mystical experiences.

Today, let's move on to the next question, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress.

Today’s Question
What do you believe about our connection to the physical world? (trees, the ocean, birds, etc.) Is it possible to communicate with it or have a relationship of some kind?

"Nature forms such an important focus of their reverence, that whatever beliefs they hold about Deity, all Druids sense Nature as divine or sacred. Every part of nature is sensed as part of the great web of life, with no one creature or aspect of it having supremacy over any other. Unlike religions that are anthropocentric, believing humanity occupies a central role in the scheme of life, this conception is systemic and holistic, and sees humankind as just one part of the wider family of life."

"Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is phrase in the Lakota language. It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness held by the Lakota people. The phrase itself, and the underlying belief of interconnectedness with all creation, is a part of many Yankton Sioux prayers, and is found in use among Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people. The phrase translates as 'all my relatives,' 'we are all related,' or 'all my relations.' It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys."

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

What have you got planned for the weekend? I'm taking the weekends off but will see you back here on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Twenty Spiritual Questions ~ Number Eleven

Identify Your Theology:
Eleventh Question

I asked, in yesterday's post, what else is out there in the world, in addition to the divine. And if there's more, can we connect?

We are turning our attention to our next question, today, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or listen to the relaxation meditation right here...

Today’s Question

Is mystical experience possible? Do you think of yourself as a mystic or have you ever had a mystical experience as part of your spiritual path?

"A mystic is a person who has direct, personal contact with the divine or the universe, usually within a religious context. Mystical experiences, however, can occur in all times and places, even to those people who are not particularly religious. These experiences are not limited to persons of a particular faith, age, or spiritual development. Mystical experiences can happen without warning or any preparation on the mystic's part." ~Joyce & River Higginbotham

"You are a Mystic, known for your imaginative, intuitive spirituality. You value peace, harmony, and inner silence. Mystics are nurtured by walking alone in the woods or sitting quietly with a trusted friend. You may also enjoy poetry, meditation, wordless prayer, candles, art, books, and anything else that helps you connect with God.
Mystics experience God best through rich images and symbols. You are contemplative, introspective, intuitive, and focused on an inner world as real to you as the exterior one. Hearing from God is more important to you than speaking to God. Others may attribute human characteristics to God, but you see God as ineffable, unnamable, and more vast than any known category. You are intrigued by God's mystery.
Mystics want to inspire and persuade others, and need to live lives of significance. At times you push the envelope of spirituality, helping the rest of us imagine who we might become if we followed your lead." ~~The Upper Room

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Heart Wish Wednesday

Goddess Heart Wish Bottle

Welcome. Step into the circle of healing, where wishes come true. From my heart to yours, each Wish Wednesday, I offer you goddess blessings.

Just mentally add your wish here in the comments, and I will add it to my Heart Wish Bottle by blessing it myself, asking for a goddess blessing, and seeing it come true for you in my head and in my heart.

My wish this week is for the success of The Ultimate Blog Challenge. May it bring thousands of pageviews and new friends for each of us who is participating.

What is your wish this week?

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Identify Your Theology: Tenth Question

Identify Your Theology:
Tenth Question

We're at the halfway point today with our questions. What has this experience been like for you, so far? 

My son and I have been doing the same kind of exploration in our homeschooling and we have loved taking a deeper look at what we believe. And we don't agree on everything, so we've had some interesting conversations!

In yesterday's post, I asked you what you believe the divine expects of us as human beings. What the rules are, in other words.

Today, we'll move to a different question, but before we do, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or you can listen to the meditation right here, if you'd prefer...

Today’s Question

"Deity can be a catch-all word that includes gods, goddesses, angels, guardian angels, spirits, spirit guides, elves, faeries, elementals, higher selves, future or probable selves, and nature spirits, among others." ~Joyce and River Higginbotham

In addition to the divine, what else do you believe is out there? Is there another world or realm of existence? More than one? And are there other beings? Is it possible for us to connect with them, and if so, how?

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to close it and to see the journal questions and the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.  

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Identify Your Theology: Ninth Question

Identify Your Theology:
Ninth Question

Yesterday, I asked you what you believe about who Jesus is or was.

Today, we are turning our attention to another question, but before we do that, head on over to your retreat room so you can relax and let go of any of the day’s stress. Or listen to the brief relaxing meditation right here...

Today’s Question

What do you believe the divine expects of us as human beings? 

Are there rules we should use to govern our behavior? And are we to think of ourselves as good or fundamentally flawed & in need of help or rescue?

"Most world religions teach that human nature is flawed, and that there is something fundamentally wrong with all human beings that must be corrected in order to reach that religion's idea of salvation or enlightenment. This wrongness maybe called original sin or ego or desire or free will or any other of a number of names, but the existence and overcoming of this inherent wrongness is the basis of the spiritual practices, sacraments, and ethics practiced by their members. In such religions, the wrongness frequently doesn't end with human beings but extends into the entire physical world so that we are seen to be surrounded by wrongness, to be spiritually unsafe, and are encouraged to feel that life is a very dangerous undertaking." 

"The theology of original sin and the need to be saved and redeemed didn't sit too well with me. I didn't understand why Jesus needed to sacrifice himself to save us. I thought if I understood this was all rather silly and probably made up by religion, not God, then why didn't he? It never occurred to me that perhaps this was a difference between the historical Jesus and the one painted in the scriptures... I assumed if there was another view of Jesus, then of course, to be fair, the Church would present that." ~~Christopher Penczak in Jesus through Pagan Eyes

Journal Questions

Now that you’ve read today’s question and a quote or two to get you thinking, head on back into the mini-retreat to blow out the candle, close the retreat and to see the journal questions and hear the blessing I’ve written for you. 

Want to see my book list for these questions? Visit my Twenty Questions store.

Have a great day!

So many of us live our lives stuck in neutral.
Do you ever feel that way?
What if you could get yourself unstuck & finally heal
whatever is blocking you from the life that's waiting for you.
Announcing the Moon Healing eKit:
a 4-week eCourse for healing what's in the way.
