Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Hero's Journey for Healers

"Your work is to facilitate personal growth by helping others figure out who they are, why they are having a hard time, how they've gotten to where they are, and then assist them in discovering ways they can help themselves." ~Ronelle Coburn

The Hero's Journey for Healers

On the hero’s journey for healers, the first step is to accept the call to be a healer. The next step is to begin the process of removing whatever is in your way on the path, which includes healing your own issues and developing a deep and trusting relationship with yourself and your guides.

You use a process of self-discovery to identify & heal your own wounds, so you will be available to help others heal their own.

This process also involves increasing self-awareness and a willingness to unearth your own truth which includes both "the ways in which you were hurt & the ways you have chosen to protect yourself, but which later block your ability to relate to yourself & others" (Coburn) and also includes your deepest soul gifts and abilities.

Where Are You on the Path?

As a healer, does this resonate with you?

If living your purpose fully as a healer can be described as a series of steps or a journey, where are you in the process?

The Hero's Journey for Healers
Are You Meant to Be a Healer?
Find out Where You are on the Healer's Path
Let's Schedule a Healer's Talk

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What it Means to Be a Healer ~ Doreen Virtue

I believe I mentioned last week that according to Doreen Virtue, those of us who are Earth Angels got our first "assignments" early by being given to our dysfunctional, wounded or hurting families.

And I love her assertion that no matter what happened in our families, whether they ever got it together or not, that "first assignment" was a success because we brought life and love and light into whatever darkness was present. Beautiful!

But I also want to share what she means when she says "healer" or "lightworker" or "Earth Angel"...

"Do you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone's coming to take you home? If so, then you may be an Earth Angel, which is another term for 'lightworker,' ...or one of the other words used to describe a person who incarnated for the express purpose of helping the world be a better place. All of the lives you've previously lived have impacted you. And just as your physical family-of-origin influences you, so does your soul's family-of-origin shape your looks, behavior, and even your life purpose." ~Doreen Virtue

The Hero's Journey for Healers
Are You Meant to Be a Healer?
Find out Where You are on the Healer's Path
Let's Schedule a Healer's Talk

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What it Means to Be a Healer

Some wisdom about what it means to be a healer settled in for me last month. See if it resonates for you...

It's not the Outcome

It's about, for me, not focusing on the outcome when I help heal or when I offer love. My purpose is to throw healing at it, to throw magic at it, to love it, and if I have done that, I have not failed, no matter what the outcome.

It's about Love

Similarly, I can love and love and love people, and they may be totally unable to love me back in any kind of appropriate way. But I have still done my part, even if they are as chaotic as ever. I can even remove myself from the chaos, or gently let go of the connecting cord, and still not have failed because the giving of love was the thing, not the outcome.

How does that feel? Can you relate?

The Hero's Journey for Healers
Are You Meant to Be a Healer?
Find out Where You are on the Healer's Path
Let's Schedule a Healer's Talk

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bear Medicine & Being a Healer

Welcome to February!!

As we saw yesterday, spring is coming, but it's not quite here yet. I want to set the stage for what I will be focusing on here this month. Picture a blazing fire, a comfy blanket, fuzzy socks on your feet, a good book to read, your journal and a yummy cup of tea.

Bear Medicine
"Winter is a season of purpose – as are all seasons. Winter’s medicine is about rest, recovery, and going within. When we rest enough during winter, we have the energy we need to sustain us for the remainder of the year. In native traditions, this concept is known as Bear Medicine. Can we learn from bear and hibernate sufficiently to restore ourselves ahead of the busy, waking seasons? If you haven't rested enough, take the next few weeks to honor the cycle." –Sage Goddess 

Have you rested enough this season, so far? I haven't but I think I have done better than I usually do.

Given that you might have some catching up to do where rest is concerned, are you ready to commit to a month of last-minute hibernation? 

What might that mean for you?

(1) Adding an extra hour of sleep each night
(2) Taking a nap each day
(3) Spending weekends at home with less on the agenda
(4) Putting off important projects until the spring thaw occurs
(5) Whatever you thought of in response to this question.

Being a Healer

This month is a great time for introspection, too, while sipping tea by the fire. I want to take some time to explore what it means to be a healer.

Because you guys, the healers and lightworkers, are my tribe. My beloveds. And it is such an honor to serve you, to help you heal so that you can be a clearer vessel for healing others.

But what does it mean to be a healer?

I created a survey almost a month ago and many of you told me that you think you have been called to be a healer, but (1) you're not completely sure or (2) you sometimes doubt it and you're not really sure what it all means for you or where to start.

So here we go this month. Stay tuned! :)

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Do You See YOUR Shadow?

I love Barbara Biziou's take on Groundhog Day and thought I'd share it with you...

"For me personally this is a time to STOP and see what is out of balance. It is a time of looking inward at my own shadow (rather than the groundhog) and seeing what course corrections I choose to make." ~Barbara Biziou, The Real Meaning of Groundhog Day

Not sure what your life purpose is
and wondering if you really are meant to be a healer?
Click here to take the Healer Quiz.


Sunday, February 1, 2015


Wishing you a deeply 
Imbolc celebration 

(photo credit: