Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Plans Here at Mystic Comfort

February Plans 
Here at Mystic Comfort 

Are you wishing we could go back to Christmas comfort? I am!

I really see February and winter, in general, as a time to soak up as much warmth, comfort and rest as you can. A sort of hibernation, if you will. Vanilla tea, a fireplace, and a good book or a good movie. Maybe even a nap or two here and there.

And that is my plan for this month. I don't have any posts scheduled or planned, but if I get inspired, I may share a quote or two from what I'll be reading...

“It can be traumatic to leave familiar beliefs and rituals behind. The guilt, shame, and fear associated with questioning the doctrines of a rigidly traditional church can be painful. It can be excruciating to change one’s relationship to a community of fellow “true believers,” or to grow out of that community altogether. It is tempting to knuckle under and ignore the dissonance between good sense and religious upbringing, or to reject religion altogether. But there are many forms of spirituality and community that can encourage the transition into a much more open form of faith. Together we can reclaim the best that lives within Christianity, and take a new road toward a world culture of spirituality that includes, but transcends, sectarian differences.” –Jim Burklo

And I'll be back next month with regular posts.

What are your plans for the month?


Have a great February!

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